Wednesday, May 6, 2020

United Nations And The European Union Essay - 1915 Words

3. No concrete reforms have taken place to remedy the lack of transparency in the oil revenues of Chad. Chad’s lack of transparency with respect to oil revenues has yet to be solved by reform. Generally, transparency of oil revenues benefits not only citizens and the World Bank, but also oil companies and the government. Despite Chad’s affluence from oil, its population remains impoverished. Notwithstanding these evident issues, the World Bank did not act to remedy the situation (Wysham, 2013). The United Nations and the European Union had planned many missions of intervention to improve the humanitarian crisis and to placate the war in Chad. However, these institutions have never truly focused on plans to increase the level of transparency of oil revenues in the country. The only move in Chad that can be construed as an improvement in transparency was the joining of the Extractive Transparency Initiative. While in 2010 Chad failed 12 out of 20 requirements and in 2013 was nominated â€Å"not compliant†, Chad re-joined the initiative again in 2014 and was finally declared compliant to their standard of transparency of oil revenues in 2015 (Transparency International, 2014). Though results from 2016 are still missing, this initiative has proved in numerous countries, including the Uni ted States, that their requirements for compliance are not sufficient for true oil revenue transparency (Vandeveer, 2016). Such transparency is imperative because it â€Å"strengthen[s] ourShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Globalization On The United Nations And European Union2243 Words   |  9 Pagesdescribes it as a process that presents a connection and interaction between countries and nations particularly in economic, cultural and political aspects amongst others, with Trans National Corporations (TNC’s) such as McDonalds being increasingly present in Asia, or Spanish films being shown in New York as well as groups of countries coming together to create organisations such as the United Nations and European Union. Key characteristics of globalisation include improved technology, Non-GovernmentalRead MoreState Capacity Of The United Nations And European Union1583 Words   |  7 Pagesand will argue how this affected the state capacity. Belgium is a constitutional monarchy and a member of the Europian Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN). 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